Cow and Moon Artisan Gelato

After we both admit we're completely stuffed from dinner, my wife magically made room for th famous Cow & Moon. After they won the award at the Gelato World Tour it really put them on the map and lured in the curious Sydney-siders. 

The little gelato/coffee bar was already buzzing and the night was still young. As dinner's were being finished, all the nearby diners seem to make their way here to cure their sweet cravings.

The decode of the place was welcoming, besides being quite small. The only downfall is they need a better workflow in dealing with the mass customer base. Just having anyone walk up and order is so messy and made it very hard for staff to bring out coffees.

With so many flavours on offer they assure you multiple flavours on display have won awards and you won't be disappointed with any. So i trusted my wife with the picking duties and decided to snatch us a table.

I manage to grab a table at the back of the place, where we both squished in to try their gelato. We ended up settling for their award winning affogato, delizia and elderflower and white chocolate.

For me the flavours weren't strong enough and no lingering aftertaste for me to savour. In saying that it was ultra smooth, oh-so-creamy and the quality was through the roof. Though it's not my cup of tea, I'd still recommend people to give it a try... I think I'm still a Messina fan at heart.

Cow & The Moon Artisan Gelato on Urbanspoon




I suddenly feel the tides turning. A yearn for something better in my life. I'm hoping for big changes in my career, maybe the touch of my first born and the ongoing rollercoaster of my marriage.

It feels important enough to dedicate a few minutes of my days to etch out how it is through my eyes... just so one day I can flick through and reminisce


Likes - Burgers | Tennis | Chilli Sauce | Travelling | Singing | Photography | Underground Bars | Gumtree | Family Guy | Table Tennis | Weird Snacks | Bowling | Smell of Fresh Bread | Board Games | Vintage Signs | Poker | Ebay | RnB | Stand Up | Travelling | Hard Liquor

Collects - New Era Caps | G-Shocks | Vans | Onitsuka Tigers | Converse | Shot Glasses | Ray-Bans

Travelled - Philippines | Bangkok | Phuket | Singapore | Bali | Hong Kong | Macau | Hisai | LA | New York | Oregon | Paris | London | Barcelona | Rome | Florence | Vancouver | Seattle | Victoria | Queensland | Tasmania

Dislikes - Bitter Melon | Traffic Jams | Rain | Bad Beats | Going with the Flow | Australia Post | Invicta | Scary Movies | Rollercoasters | Heights

Meet The Author

I've spent my whole life being the son my parents wanted me to be. I studied hard, went through the different levels of the school system and then I'm now 30. I married a beautiful girl, trying to pay off a mortgage, and have a bucket list of things I want to do which don't involve work.

I've always had a passion for blogging, photography, food, collecting aka organised hoarding and music and I can't think of any better moment to start documenting it...

My Videos @