Because I'm Happy

I guess the theme is more so what makes me happy?

That question really stumped me when I lost my job and a career coach proposed the question. I had no answer. Well I had one but it was stupid... my initial thought was to sit around the house, eat juju fruits and watch movies.

Even if I could quit my job because I won the lottery... what would I do with myself... Some people say play golf... but can you do that every day for the rest of your life? Would I try and start my own business? I couldn't possibly lounge around the house forever...

It was definitely an interesting thought. Not until my recent redundancy did I feel some inadequacy with working 9 to 5. Working for the man as they say.... I've always been more than happy to oblige and do what I'm told and follow the orders and meet the deadlines...

So as I sat around the house trying to figure out the answer...

This question really stumped me because i thought I knew what I wanted and was on my path to wherever I thought I wanted to be... but in reality I'm blindly flowing through life with no real defined goal... I suppose losing my job was a blessing in disguise. Sure, my natural reaction was anger and the feeling of being useless but that's just natural. It sure didn't help that I sent out over a hundred resumes in a month and didn't get any callbacks...

Not until having a D&M with the missus did she point out something interesting. she said what makes me happy is reaching and achieving goals. I set so many for myself growing up and somehow achieved majority of them and now I've become stagnant because the remaining goals are too hard... or i'm not trying hard enough...

So for now, I've broken down all my goals into smaller tasks... Let's hope this keeps the inner child inside me happy for a while...




I suddenly feel the tides turning. A yearn for something better in my life. I'm hoping for big changes in my career, maybe the touch of my first born and the ongoing rollercoaster of my marriage.

It feels important enough to dedicate a few minutes of my days to etch out how it is through my eyes... just so one day I can flick through and reminisce


Likes - Burgers | Tennis | Chilli Sauce | Travelling | Singing | Photography | Underground Bars | Gumtree | Family Guy | Table Tennis | Weird Snacks | Bowling | Smell of Fresh Bread | Board Games | Vintage Signs | Poker | Ebay | RnB | Stand Up | Travelling | Hard Liquor

Collects - New Era Caps | G-Shocks | Vans | Onitsuka Tigers | Converse | Shot Glasses | Ray-Bans

Travelled - Philippines | Bangkok | Phuket | Singapore | Bali | Hong Kong | Macau | Hisai | LA | New York | Oregon | Paris | London | Barcelona | Rome | Florence | Vancouver | Seattle | Victoria | Queensland | Tasmania

Dislikes - Bitter Melon | Traffic Jams | Rain | Bad Beats | Going with the Flow | Australia Post | Invicta | Scary Movies | Rollercoasters | Heights

Meet The Author

I've spent my whole life being the son my parents wanted me to be. I studied hard, went through the different levels of the school system and then I'm now 30. I married a beautiful girl, trying to pay off a mortgage, and have a bucket list of things I want to do which don't involve work.

I've always had a passion for blogging, photography, food, collecting aka organised hoarding and music and I can't think of any better moment to start documenting it...

My Videos @