Roti with Kaya and Icecream

Ever go to Mamak and wish you could have all that without the super long wait in line... well you probably can't BUT this is still pretty good substitute to tie off the cravings...

The massive packet of frozen roti can be purchased at Costco. The best thing about this is the fact you don't even need to defrost them or add any oil to the pan. Just take them out of the freezer, whack them on the fry pan and it's self oiled and ready to go. 

Watch as it puffs up and goes golden brown in the fry pan. The aroma by now makes you want to dig into it or dunk it in some curry but patience is a virtue. 

As it is transferred off the fry pan, it deflates pretty quickly. Photo opportunity of it fully puffed up like a blowfish on the plate missed.

I picked up this jar of Kaya egg jam on my last trip to Singapore. It's been sitting patiently in the pantry and now it finally gets to shine. These can be purchased at your local asian grocers. 

Now its time to slather on a thick layer of  Kaya and smear on a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The creamier the better. I recommend Peter's but in this case I only had Bulla - good enough substitution. Don't go super stingy with the ice cream and try it with Woolies or Coles branded... it just tastes like snow in a tub and it's a waste of calories.

So here's the finish product... alright... it photographed horribly but trust me... it tastes better than it looks. It proved quite the challenge to capture this as the roti kept unrolling itself and the ice cream and kaya wanted to escape the shackles of the roti. I had to take photos of this process and my roti got a bit cold by the end of it. Into the belly immediately is the recommendation from me.

What you will be rewarded in the end is the hot crunchy roti , blended with sweet and thick textured kaya and the cold and smooth vanilla ice cream makes for an all-rounded dessert that's guaranteed to put a smile on your face. To top it off, it's all ready to eat in 5 minutes (minus all the washing up).




I suddenly feel the tides turning. A yearn for something better in my life. I'm hoping for big changes in my career, maybe the touch of my first born and the ongoing rollercoaster of my marriage.

It feels important enough to dedicate a few minutes of my days to etch out how it is through my eyes... just so one day I can flick through and reminisce


Likes - Burgers | Tennis | Chilli Sauce | Travelling | Singing | Photography | Underground Bars | Gumtree | Family Guy | Table Tennis | Weird Snacks | Bowling | Smell of Fresh Bread | Board Games | Vintage Signs | Poker | Ebay | RnB | Stand Up | Travelling | Hard Liquor

Collects - New Era Caps | G-Shocks | Vans | Onitsuka Tigers | Converse | Shot Glasses | Ray-Bans

Travelled - Philippines | Bangkok | Phuket | Singapore | Bali | Hong Kong | Macau | Hisai | LA | New York | Oregon | Paris | London | Barcelona | Rome | Florence | Vancouver | Seattle | Victoria | Queensland | Tasmania

Dislikes - Bitter Melon | Traffic Jams | Rain | Bad Beats | Going with the Flow | Australia Post | Invicta | Scary Movies | Rollercoasters | Heights

Meet The Author

I've spent my whole life being the son my parents wanted me to be. I studied hard, went through the different levels of the school system and then I'm now 30. I married a beautiful girl, trying to pay off a mortgage, and have a bucket list of things I want to do which don't involve work.

I've always had a passion for blogging, photography, food, collecting aka organised hoarding and music and I can't think of any better moment to start documenting it...

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